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Showing posts from October, 2018

Study Week approaching AND so many questions...

As fall break week is finally here, many of us (myself included) are still trying to figure out what to do during these 7 days. Comment below if I’m not the only one facing both of the following dilemmas: Study week vs. Break week. 🤯 On Carleton University’s 2018-2019 Dates & Deadlines page (bookmark this!), October 22-26 is listed as Fall Break - Classes are suspended . Thanks for clarifying that it is a FALL break. Not to sound too rational, but I think Fall break should be a time where you can have a break from schoolwork. Unless you have midterms afterwords. Then you’re stuck studying for a few days at least like me 😆 My #1 Tip for the Fall Break is.... Schedule. Plan. Schedule. Even if you’re not someone who is organized and likes to write everything down (I’m am the complete opposite, I love the satisfaction of crossing out my to-do list with a fat marker), try having a rough schedule on how you’d like your break week to go. If you’re not into the traditi...

9 MAJOR tips on starting the school year right!

9 MAJOR tips on starting the school year right! Whether you’re beginning your first year here or in your last semester, I think it’s safe to say that we all want to end the year academically strong. During my short time at Carleton (3,840 hours by the time this post is up), here are some of my tips to start & finish with a strong year: 1. Go to class. Although it’s kind of a no brainer, going to class makes ALL the difference. Even if you’re not going to take notes, get into the habit of going to class to know what the professor is talking about. Don’t always depend on cuLearn to provide you all the answers. From experience, please trust that this tip is #1 for a reason.   2. Read the course outline. A course outline will be your Holy Grail for the term. Make sure to note how the marks are divided (ex: 50% exam, 20% tutorial, 30% assignments). Please, please, please do not throw away any easy marks because EVERY percentage counts. 3. Sit in the front of the cla...