W ell this is it, the end of summer 2020. Summer 2020 will definitely go down in history as one of the most memorable summers for all of us. It was the first summer where we couldn’t meet up with friends, there were no concerts or BluesFest, and summer jobs were extra scarce. However, it was also a summer consisting of self-reflection and community togetherness. There’s something beautiful about sacrificing your own plans and time for others safety. I personally feel as though I have grown as a person and learned so much this summer, and that’s partially thanks to social distancing. Social distancing required everyone to stay in, self-reflect, and spend time with ourselves, which I found to be very refreshing; As the well-known quote goes, “Love yourself first, because that’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.” At this point, with only one week of summer left, a lot of professors are reaching out and explaining how Carleton Universit...
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